In the month of May, it’s all about appreciating you, our clients, and enhancing the lives of those you care about most. Welcome to Carolinas Biofeedback Clinic’s first-ever Friends & Family Month! This is our tribute to our wonderful client community—past, present and future. We appreciate you, and we have tailored two exclusive, never-before offers for you, your friends, and your families.
Family-Member Promo "APPRECIATE300"​
As a client of CBFC, you’ve seen or experienced the transformative process of brain mapping and brain training first hand…“Who in your family is next?”
You’ve been wanting the rest of the family to benefit. Now’s the time. (Mom’s, finally it’s your turn! Hint, hint: Best Mother’s Day gift, ever!)​​
For the month of May, we invite the family members of our established clients** to experience our ANS Eval & qEEG Brain Map at our deepest discount ever of $995 (that’s a $300 savings). It’s our way of rewarding the trust and commitment our client’s have shown our CBFC team.​​
Use code: APPRECIATE300 for May bookings to receive this discount for family members of our current clients.
Friends of Clients Promo "WELCOME10"​
For the first two weeks of May only, first-time clients and friends of our established clients will enjoy 10% off our ANS Eval & qEEG Brain Map!
Established Clients: tell your friends.
First-time Clients: If you’ve had a free phone consult with our clinical director but haven't had a brain map yet, we consider you a first-time client. If you’ve been waiting for the right moment to book your Brain Map, this is it! Come experience the incredible insight our advanced qEEG Brain Map offers for 10% off our normal rate!​
Use code: WELCOME10 for bookings within the first two weeks of May to receive this discount for first-time clients and friends of established clients.
Book Now and Join the Celebration!
Want to take advantage of one of these first-ever offers? They will only be available the month of May, and spots are limited, so click here quickly to book your new-client, client-friend or family-member brain map, and don’t forget to include the discount code in the Notes section at the time of your booking.
If you’d prefer to have a free consult prior to your ANS Eval & qEEG Brain Map, click here to schedule a 20-minute phone call.
**Promotion Details:
Limited seating. First come first serve. If your search of the promotional period produces a message saying that there are no appointments remaining, please click the "Waitlist" button so we know you are looking for a spot and we will contact you if there are any cancelations.
The Family-Member promo celebrates our clients’ families. To qualify for the special deep-discount rate, you must be a family member of one of our established clients (past or current client in process). There is no limit to the number of family members. Client family members may book any open time in the month of May.
First-time clients and friends of clients: First-time clients refers to individuals who have had a phone consult but have not yet had a brain map). First-time clients and friends of clients may take advantage of the 10% discount within the first two weeks of May.
Combining discounts within a family: If both a friend/first-time client and their family member book in May, the first person will enjoy 10% off and additional family members will enjoy the deeper family-member discount ($300 off). Friends and first-time clients must book an open spot within the first two weeks of May. Additional family members may book at any open time in the month of May.
Our affordable payment plan is always available for interest-free financing, but requires application. See if you qualify: